Essential Questions for Grades Seven and Eighth (Write in your notebook):

True or False.

1. Contrast means "the opposite" in a picture.

2. A bottle is an example of a portrait.

3. Variety means sameness.

4. Using art to teach someone how to read is a political statement.

5. Cite does not mean to tell where you've received information from.

ART FOR ADVOCACY - Create a poster that spreads awareness of a societal issue.

SC Visual Arts Standard (Anchor Standard 3): I can improve and complete artistic work using elements and principles.

Essential Questions for Grades Kindergarten through Sixth:

1. Which design principle is your favorite?

2. Which design principles you would like to learn more about?


Balance- Sun & Moon
1. Think about why Earth Day is important and ideas you can include in a poster that advocates for taking care of the planet.
2. Then sketch your ideas on a sheet of paper.

3. Finally, draw and color your work.

Sketchpad 4.1: https://sketch.io/sketchpad-v4.1/

SC Visual Arts Standard (Anchor Standard 3):
I can improve and complete artistic work using elements and principles.

Art Classes K-8 Assignments

Which design principles were used in your work?